Monday, May 9, 2016


 Captains Letter.

15 January 2016

Dear Member,


I am honored to have the opportunity to be Captain of our Golf Society for the coming year, and thank you for the confidence you have placed in endorsing me as Captain.  I look forward to interacting with you throughout the year.

UCC Staff Golf Society is a very strong and active society. Our outings are recognized for being sociable golf played in a spirit of fun and friendly rivalry. With this in mind, the schedule of outings for 2016 include courses suited to all levels of golf.

We do need sponsorship to assist us in running the Society in the most effective and efficient manner.  So, I would kindly ask if you know of any companies/businesses that may be willing to contribute to please contact Willie Weir or myself: (  or

 If you have colleagues who would like to join our society, we would be delighted to welcome them. I would like to remind you that the membership subscription for 2016 is now due, and to please renew it by February 29th.

On behalf of our President, Officers and Committee members, I wish you good health, happiness and great golfing throughout 2016!

Yours sincerely,

Alan Dobson


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